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Friday, August 19, 2011

Secrets ...

 I have a dirty little secret.  One that weighs on me far too many times.  I am revealing it now.  The boulevard of unfinished projects.  Some - trying something new.  Some - require a button or a pin. Others - purchased kits never to be tackled.  Oh, how I hate this!  I laid out some of them here.  Yes, there are others.  Oh the shame!

Here we have a cable-knit wrap for around my neck. It just requires two buttons.  I did it two years ago!  Oh and look - a felted sweater I know is going to make a great fall purse (if I could only find leather handles that match).  And another purse form I knit out of thick cotton.  It needs handles as well.

Here we have a collection of fabric and felt to be made into rings.  It was a great idea...last year!

This one is shameful.  I thought I could teach myself to crochet and make a cute bag from a kit.  Nope.  And my bowl of felted balls - they were to be made into a necklace ...

Speaking of necklaces.  Here is a bowl of very expensive stones that I made into a long chain a few years back.  The chain broke but it has been on my to-do craft list for a couple of years now.  Just beside that two cute linen pouches I made up - looking for the snap frames to be glued on!

Yes ... I admit it - sometimes I move onto another project before I finish the current one. I must get to these soon - maybe the shame of posting these will get me going.

I can only hope ...

1 comment:

  1. I have a dirty little secret….I'm just as bad. I too stare at projects that can be compete easily. I also need to throw things away that I don't like but I always thing "I can do something with it…up cycle it" and I don't. I have a neighbor who efficiently tosses anything that could be clutter and only does projects she can complete in an evening. How I wish I could do it a little like her. I just found your blog- via Amy's Inspire, and I am in love- I am always desperately searching for crafters who INSPIRE me…I'm an advanced crafter who has dabbled in everything so I need crafters who craft on my level or above and there are so few. Thank you for being one of them. I LOVE Ms. Martha but she caters to the beginning more and more and it drives me nutso. I loved her back in the day before the studio audience. The magazine still gives me inspiration but I could do with half the cooking and twice as much crafting. I shall be back…every post….
