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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wrap it up Thursday - Newsprint

Happy Thursday!  Each Thursday I'm going to focus on gift giving, wrapping, packaging and in general the unique way people wrap up their goods.  And Thursday is kind of leading into wrapping up the week ... sort of ... give or take 24 hours.

My best friend's little guy had his fifth birthday on Monday.  He is a huge super hero fan.  When they are driving in the car he always says to his dad, "Tell me another story about Batman, Daddy." How cute is that!  Now with a small family of mostly girls I must admit the super hero thing is a little out of my  "league"  but I decided to just go for it.

I found one retro looking hardcover book and then found some early reader comics.  I thought it might encourage him to start to read on his own (and that maybe they wouldn't be too violent!)

Then I found some extras that fit the theme. Striped straws, striped twine, lego superheroes, comic strips and best of all - a pdf of comic pows and zaps from one charming party.

I wrapped it up with parchment paper so he could see inside.  I thought that would make it more exciting.  The phrases I printed out looked so cute peeking through the paper.  And his mom told me that was his favorite part of the gift.  So I'm glad I went to all the trouble.

Here are some other newsprint/comic strip wrappings.

My friend Tiffany, of Glitter Pie, wraps a mean package.  Newsprint looks great with the right topper.

You can even top your newsprint, comic strip etc with another newsprint bow.  There is a tutorial at How About Orange for this.

I guess that wraps it up (sorry)

Look for another wrap up next Thursday!


  1. I LOVE the batman/super hero themed pressie. Thoughtful wrapping always makes it so much more special! Great idea for a weekly post x

  2. the superhero present is so cute! cute wrapping is something i really need to work on, so this column of yours is going to be great!

  3. this is seriously the best little boys gift ever! I am an archie comic fan and one year I tried to "pass down" my collection to my little brother as a christmas gift. Same deal... thought they might catch and he would love reading them! I think he was 9 at the time. I wish I had wrapped them like this! I love the comic pows!! Great Post.

    Ps. He actually did start reading the comics, but at first totally didn't fully appreciate the gift because it wasn't a gameboy or star wars minis or something!! :)

    Paisley (BYW)
