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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wrap it up Thursday - Teacher Gifts Part One

This is the year.  The year we (my family) put together holiday gifts for our teachers well in advance.  So we aren't chasing them down the halls, out to their cars, leaving them unattended on their desks...in general not putting it together last minute.

Okay so I have some ideas... well we have ideas :)

 Clockwise from top  Peppermint Cocoa (my recipes.com),  Cocoa with snowman (the decorated cookie),  handmade mug (creature comforts),  hot chocolate on a stick  (giverslog)

Monogram mugs with cocoa (designmom),  homemade caramels (giverslog) ,
 monogram mug with candies (martha stewart)

For the past few years we have done a few of these things.  Mugs with homemade hot chocolate, hot chocolate sticks, homemade cocoa in a mason jar.  Last year we also added homemade marshmallows.  

So the story goes ... this year - maybe homemade cocoa, caramels and marshmallows.  I found the most beautiful shade of blue colored tissue paper and these adorable red chevron striped little paper bags ... that will be wrap it up thursday - teacher gifts - part two.  We have about 17 teachers combined ... plus office staff ... plus bus driver...
looking at about 25 ... better get to it!  

This is going to be the year ...


  1. I've been looking for some mugs with alphabets on them...these ones are gorgeous! What a great gift idea!

  2. that peppermint cocoa looks delish! if I was a teacher I'd love any of these ahh-mazingly thoughtful {and yummy} gifts.
