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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wrap it up Thursday - Teacher Gifts Part Two

You may recall from this post that I had hoped this year to have all my teacher gifts organized well in advance but I kind of think that isn't going to happen.  Well at least we know know what we are putting in.  Homemade marshmallows and caramels (find recipes here and here) Homemade Hot cocoa - our own recipe here. A sweet little battery operated votive and a cute mini cupcake.  The one I have ordered has a little snowman with earmuffs but it won't be ready until next week so the blue one is sitting in for the snowman.

 I have a lovely cupcakery at the bottom of our street and that is where I will get my special cupcakes and where I was able to get the plain, white bakery boxes.  The little tins are magnetic and can be used for craft supplies, spices or desk supplies when the hot cocoa is used up.  I continued making pom poms as I did here (Creature Comforts) to top off our teacher gifts.  

I will try to update this post with a snowman cupcake photo when he arrives - he's that cute.

Since I needed so many teacher gifts there is really nothing too large in the package.  I think the sweet labeling helps take it up a level - information on downloads can be found in yesterday's post. 
(Food labels Creature Comforts, outside labels Eat, Drink, Chic and Love vs. Design)

It's just a small way to say thank you to each of them for all their hard work.  However... someone please remind me that next year we are going to say thank you with a packaged candle and card ... I always seem to forget...

UPDATE - Here are the snowman cupcakes! :)


  1. I love this idea too! I was at a momma meetup last night and we were discussing appropriate gifts for teachers. I have to send your link to the group, they would LOVE it!

  2. Well, I did homemade cocoa and homemade marshmallows for teacher gifts too, but yours are so lovely! I don't have the styling thing going on (thanks for the mugs, Anthropologie!). Really pretty!

  3. Oh Yes. The mugs at Anthropologie. I was there on Friday and they were on sale for $4 - with these cute little painted wooden spoons that were printed with happy holidays! I thought to myself - what am I doing. I am mentally taking note of that deal for next year.

  4. Your blog is looking gorgeous Tracey. My word, such pretty styling and photography. These cocoa kits are perfect! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  5. Thank you Leslie - coming from you, and your amazing styling and photography, that is really flattering!
