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Monday, January 9, 2012

All you need is LOV3

I have been lazy with my blogging and tutorials ... it is hard to get motivated when you are in relaxation mode... but I am ready to get back at it.

I just got back from a lovely holiday down south with my family.  We spent quality time together for two weeks.  Life on the beach that included paddle boarding, swimming and lots of nothing.  Although I have many, many pictures...two teenage girls love to take pictures, this one sticks out.  They have made friends with two girls (sisters as well) from just down the beach and have been able to meet up once or twice a year now for 7 or 8 years.  This year everyone is so much older and the girls were able to just go off on their own after a new year's pot luck and  "play" on the beach.  All dressed up and looking swish they had a wonderful time hanging out and poured into the house just before the ball dropped giggling and whispering with sandy feet. I only had to stay up until their friends left ... an hour later! to lock up. Wow... I have teenagers - how did that happen?

They got some sparklers (this had me a little worried but I left them on their own) and made some sky letters.  They took this picture themselves with a timer and when I saw it the next morning I "loved" this one.  Helana messed up the E(much to her younger sister Ali's dismay) but I think it is perfectly, imperfect.
Like my new book that I received as a gift (okay I ordered it myself - thanks amazon.com)

I try not to have strict resolutions in the New Year.  But a friend of ours always has a word or theme that he wants to focus on in the upcoming year.  I think my word is going to be love.  Love for my family, my home and for myself. 

This kind of love ... not perfect but nonetheless perfectly imperfect.


  1. I just found your blog through a blog, through another blog, through yet another blog, and then just one more blog...and am so happy to have found it! (regardless of the crazy path that brought me here) Your work is amazing and I'm thinking the perfectly imperfect thing...is perfect :)

  2. Thanks Courtney ! Now I am going to check out your blog :) ... because of my blog that you found through that other blog...
