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Monday, January 30, 2012

Knit up some Love

Felted Heart Knitting Needles are a sweet gift for a mom, sister, aunt or teacher - really anyone that LOVES knitting.

Take a small amount of roving and needle-felt into a heart shape (1)  Make slits at the bottom of the heart for the needle and take the clipped ends of two knitting needles (2)  gluing the needle ends into the pouch you created at the bottom of each heart and (3)  your needles are ready for gifting (4)

Felting the Hearts -

1. Create a loose heart shape with roving - about twice the final size you want, as it will reduce in size as the fibers firm up with friction.  (It is not necessary to used a felting pad but I found it useful)
2.  I needle-felted around the entire heart in order to keep it full, not flat, in shape.
3.  Needle-felt another heart from approximately the same amount of roving.  They don't have to be exact - it's the imperfections that make them sweeter.

This step is not necessary but I like to put the hearts in a laundry bag and run them in a short, hot wash cycle in my washing machine.  They come out denser and plumper.

I took bamboo needles in the needle size I use most and clipped the ends.  With small, sharp scissors I snipped the pointed ends of the heart and added fabric glue.  I held it in place to secure and now they're ready to give to someone special.

These are so cute ... I might just have to gift them to myself!

Happy almost Valentine's Day.


  1. Oooh these are so super sweet Tracey! I have never needle felted, must try some day...


  2. I agree with Maaike, these are so pretty! what a perfect gift for a knitting lover! and I think they could be cute ends for the girls' school pens and pencils too! I used to love putting little hears, or other fun things on my school supplies :D made taking notes more fun

    1. Thanks Ladies ... Maaike you would like needle felting and Ana - yes I can remember waves of certain eraser tops and pencil tops making it through the classroom - this would definitely be cute as a pencil topper!

  3. What a terrific idea! I have a friend who just lost her mother...she is a beginning knitter but has turned to it to soothe her broken heart. This might be a nice pick-me-up. Another great idea from you! xo

    1. I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's mother. So much of my crafting over the last few years came out of finding a way to grieve for my mom as well. I love to knit during stressful times (as long as it is something simple :) ) I think it is the repetitive motion - it is just soothing. I hope your friend finds some peace in her knitting.

  4. What a cute idea and so much fun!

  5. I love these -- great idea (i might just have to make some for myself :))

    1. Thanks Martha - you have to make some - I'm knitting with them right now for another valentine project. It makes me happy to use them !

  6. This is such an adorable idea! I wish I had someone who liked to knit that I could give a few of these too! I featured this over on my blog :) http://www.hubbymademe.com/10-needle-felting-projects/

    1. Thanks Britni - I checked out your features - so many cute ideas - I might try some this fall. Thanks for your support :)
