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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thank you ... Merci!

These are the goods I picked up when we hit Paris on our trip and made our way to a concept shop called Merci.  I had read about it on other blogs and knew I wanted to make a stop there at some point during our travels.  I am such a sucker for packaging and I love the wording on the bags.  It reminds me of Lululemon and their inspirational quotes on bags.  I picked up a sweet little scarf to remind me of our trip.  And the girls and I picked up simple journals to fill with things we picked up on our trip.  The little red thread and Merci charm has yet to have  purpose but really ... does it need one?

This is the courtyard out front.  I was a little disappointed the car wasn't all jacked up with a display like the ones I have seen before (see below).  The little library behind Scott in the picture is a charming lunch spot.

These pictures provided the inspiration I needed to put this shop on my to-go list.  I first saw a look into Merci through decor8 here.  And found other stories from Les Carnets du Design and Ella Georgia.

The linen pillows, duvet covers, napkins and aprons are that rough, rustic linen that I love.   If I could have,  I definitely would have brought a bunch home but we travelled with carry on bags.  Pretty good for a bunch of girls don't you think ? Scott doesn't know how lucky he is...we could have travelled like the car bottom right.


  1. I was just there last month, and bought basically the same things you did - a charm, some journals and some tape! Because that's about all I could afford there, ha ha.

  2. I'm still yet to visit but every time I see pictures of Merci on people's blogs I'm dying to go! Maybe it's a good thing, it would end up costing me a fortune!

  3. Yes - it was expensive although I happened to be there during the sale time in France. It was still expensive but very fun to look!

  4. Tracey,
    Hi there friend! I am just catching up with you as we have been out of town - though not in any way shape or form like the great places you have been :)
    Happy Anniversary!! I love all of your photots - what a gorgeous family you have! The store looks amazing - I would love to just browse around and be inspired! The scarf you picked is so cute.
    You need to show some more photos of your trip! xoxo Ashlyn

    1. Hey Ashlyn - I dunno - your trip looks alot more relaxing than mine :) You may be sorry suggesting I put I share more pictures from the trip - we have 730 (mind you many are "selfies" of the girls - if you know what I mean :) )
