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Friday, May 27, 2011


This is a picture of some of the "gifts" I made for Amy Power's Birthday Issue of her on-line magazine Inspired Ideas.  The idea is that you build a birthday tower of small gifts for the recipient.  If you purchase the magazine, you can see how she put this all together and some adorable ideas that would not take too long to create but I think would mean so much to the recipient of your "tower" of gifts.  In the beginning of the magazine, Amy describes how much she loves her own birthday.  "Wow!" I thought.  I always feel funny having anyone celebrate my own birthday.  I don't know why.  And now I share it with one of my daughters so I really have an excuse to ignore that it is my birthday.  But Amy's thoughts have me thinking.  Next year,  I am going to try and make the most of my birthday.  Really celebrate it.  Why not ... all of us deserve at least one celebration a year ... don't we?


  1. I made the little flag card, too! And I painted some rocks (which I've done many times before!) I wish I could craft & create 24/7! Don't you!
    Love this issue!

  2. I am going to need the summer to make my way through all of Amy's Birthday Projects. I'll have to try and finish before the Summer Issue comes out!
