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Thursday, May 26, 2011

That time of year - graduation!

 Both of my girls are graduating from their schools this year.  At one school I am helping out with alot of the coordination including decorating and the graduation video.  I have over 600 pictures I need to coordinate into themes and pick through.  We have been at that school for eight years including 2 years of kindergarten so I will be sad to say goodbye.

My older daughter graduated from this same school 2 years ago and I helped put together a "loot bag" for that graduation class.  I had this great idea to make prize ribbons for the front of the bags.  An early form of my etsy fabric ribbon.  I mocked one up for parent approval lickety split.  I glued it onto a clothes peg so we could attach them to the front of the bag easily and so it would be less likely to fall off.  Well, one for a mock up seemed to go rather quickly - but 60!  That took awhile and I found myself cursing away into the wee hours.

Yet it was a good feeling when I piled them up onto the kitchen counter for a shot.  

And they did look good all lined up on the table for pick-up.

This year, at my older daughter's school I am helping out with the decorating.  I am going to put together two groupings of clustery things (see below) to create interest on either side of the stage.  They will be hung down from a magnetized clip on a fishing line.  I can't wait to put something together.  The colors are white with a touch of green here and there.  I am going to go with a combination of the inspired clusters below.  I will be sure to post the works in progress and let you know how it all goes.


yarn ball clusters found here

tissue ball and lantern cluster found here

lantern cluster found here

I think both of these graduations in the next few weeks should be special.  I'll take pictures of our clusters  (assuming they will work out!) - pictures will be good because I am not so sure I am going to see them through my tears ...

By the way...
Congratulations to the winner of my inspire prize ribbon over at amy power's blog!
I hope you enjoy it and send me a picture!

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