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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Focussing on Summer ...

Two teenage girls (well one "almost") and one summer.  What to do?

Well there are camps, cottages and even a surgery or two but still I know some of the days will seem long.  In the old days I could have a table of crafts and we spent many hours whiling away the time but things are different now.  Crafts have to be cool.  Crafts have to be ones that mother definitely doesn't need to supervise.

I have the following lined-up.  Some tried and true and some worth investigating.  I'm working on a cool, hang-out spot in the back.  Keep you posted!

Just like camp but way more funky.  A great way to use up fabric scraps
Find it here

Another way to use up fabric scraps.  I love this look over a white t-shirt.  So pretty and crafty - but a cool, teenage crafty.
Find it here  and here

This seems like another cool idea for teenage girls.  Popsicle stick bracelets.  Definitely looks doable.

Find it here and here.

And finally a tried and true.  We all love doing this.  It is so much fun and definitely makes the hours go by quickly.  You can find the book here.

The other thing is... maybe you don't want the hours to go by quickly...maybe you might want to slow them down.  I know I do!

1 comment:

  1. Nice collection of braclets (thanks for adding the links!). Hope your first few days of summer are fun so far! ~Heidi
