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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's over...or maybe a new beginning

 The grade six graduate.  I can't believe it's over.

Here is Ali just before her walk over to the graduation ceremony.  This photo was taken by her sister and I love it.

A group of moms and I decorated the gym and it looked magical.  We had a little help from a professional to string twinkle lights and hang panels from the ceiling.  The gym was transformed.

This is a bucket we filled with lanterns, tissue balls and balloons to anchor the stage.  It looked really cute.

And now today is the last day I am going to walk over to the school as a parent.  After nine years it won't be my school anymore.  And all the families that have formed that community for us have a different role in our lives now.  We live in a close-knit neighborhood but I know it will be different.  We will say hi and catch up if we come across each other walking the dogs but we won't be as intertwined in each others' lives.

Maybe after nine years it is time for a new beginning.  I think my girls are ready.  I just don't know about me...

1 comment:

  1. Our girls are the same age…. your daughter is beautiful. My daughter is so very sick. It breaks my heart. she has missed the entire 7th grade school year except the first week and a smattering of days. She is now homebound and can't return until she feels better or we lose the homebound teacher, have to wait 5 days, reapply, get a doctors note, blah blah blah. It has taken until last week to even get a good-ish system for the work to come from the school teachers via the homebound teacher. My little social butterfly who literally is the life of the party is stuck at home. The ONLY advantage that I can see is that she is less mouthy (yea!) and she is playing with and growing an amazing and closer relationship with her 6 year old brother. They have always been close- she adores him- but they are doing more together, laughing more, hanging out more, coloring together- she is so exhausted she has no energy to do more than color sometimes….so hard to watch.
