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Monday, September 12, 2011

New Prize Ribbons

I've finally been able to put together a few more prize ribbons for my etsy shop.  It's been awhile and I almost forgot how to do it!

I realized they make look kind of cool in a shadow box - especially if you wanted to give it to a guy.  Not many guys are going to wear a linen prize ribbon!  

I like the way this one turned out. It is nice and soft and reminds be of life on the seashore!

I'm heading to The Creative Connection on Thursday so I have been working on a different way to give out a business card.  These took forever so I will only have a dozen or so like this.  Unless I find the time in the next day or so.

I need to add a blog tag and then I think I will be done.  I would like to make more but it is so time consuming - more so than the original size.  I don't have much time before I go ... I'm busy working on mother's guilt

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