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Monday, January 16, 2012

Vacation Memories

Life at the Beach ...

I always have great plans when I start my holiday in the Keys.  The girls and I are going to make amazing, intricate iced cookies, those really cool popsicles with interesting fruit in them and glue gun shells onto boxes.   That is BEFORE I get here.  THEN I get here and it all goes out the window.  These are instagrams of my holiday ... they really capture that laid-back, island vibe I feel down there.

The house really reminds me of my mom. It kind of feels like a big hug from her when I get here and I feel very close to her when I come down.  She had a great style and it was her favourite place to be.  The type set tray with shells was a great antique find in Key West.  I think it might make a great watercolour.  The driftwood lamp you can see in the main room is from France via Toronto and it is the one great piece in the room that sets the tone for beach life.  I love how I feel in this space.  So comfortable and so at peace.  I literally exhale every morning when I come in and see the ocean beyond.

The best part though, I must say, is life on the beach and the ocean.  Dolphins, manatees and very happy girls.  See their heart in the sand? We are all free to do as we wish and enjoy a good book, a paddle or a walk on the shore.  No agenda.

Okay so I didn't do a tutorial, teacher gift or wrapping down there.  Can you blame me?


  1. I don't think I could have mustered up the motivation to do much either :D looks like an amazing holiday!

  2. Uhm....no ;) this makes me get even more in the mood for my own trip down there in a few weeks, can't wait! That type of lifestyle seems to fit me perfectly, haha


  3. Uh, I would have seriously worried about you if you'd tried to do those things while in that gorgeous place! Sounds to me like you did just the right thing! And that you ended up perfectly refreshed.

  4. All I can say is PURE JOY!!! Love your pretty images. I could sure use the beach today...our weather is freezing! Enjoy your Thursday. xoxoxo
