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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wrap it up Thursday - Wrapping Love Hearts

When the girls were smaller we sometimes went to great lengths to come up with a special valentine for their classmates.  In Grade 1, Helana and I made pink lollipops for all the kids.  In Grade 3, Ali and I made felt fortune cookies (sort of like Martha's) with a fortune and a chocolate kiss.  Both were a lot of work but still fun.

Now that they are older the kids don't do the old fashioned exchange but I think it is still nice to have a handful of treats for some special friends and teachers.  I've been trying to come up with ideas that are based on repackaging ... and I mean - simple repackaging.

I think this is cute, fast and easy.  I picked up these little love hearts at a local candy store and came up with two quick ways to make them a little more special.

The first is simply kraft paper and washi tape. 

 You could even right a little sentiment on the tape before wrapping ... if you desired.  Bakers twine kind of finishes off that candy feel but I also wrapped some with bright pink yarn.

The other is wrapped in tissue and glitter.

I used clear contact paper, sprinkled glitter down the center and then attached the contact sheet to a few layers of white tissue.  Done.

I hope the girls think these are cute and then, that could be something we do together over a hot chocolate one day after school.

 Of course if we do that, our hot chocolate is going to have to look like this
... and so it goes.


  1. lovely idea with the washi tape and glitter wrap Tracey! And that large cup of sweetness... who would not want that?!

    By the way, I am still glowing of the wonderful day trip you gave me yesterday! And we happened to have picked just the perfect day of the week with the sunshine!


  2. Hello Tracey, I have just popped over from Maaike's blog to say hello. Looks like you had a wonderful day together and your home is very pretty. I like your beach house too, and it is lovely that you feel your mother's presence there. My mother is no longer around either, but she love pretty things and decorating, and all my bothers and sisters have things that were hers and it is a lovely reminder. Wishing you a very happy weekend, love Linda x Oh I nearly forgot the wrapped lovehearts is a sweet idea.

  3. Oh, so inspiring, and Valentines is fr enough away that I might pull something off for my sweeties this year! We'll see. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. xo

  4. Those are adorable. Don't you just love Valentine's Day?

  5. Wait...you don't make gourmet fancy shmancy hot chocolate for an after school snack? :)

    1. Courtney - I have to make fancy shmancy hot chocolate to get my girls to play with me :)
