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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Breath of Nature in the Big City

Just a few minutes from my house, there is a lovely park that I like to take Rufus for a walk through,  in early morning.  It was built on the grounds of an old race track and it is truly a piece of nature tucked into the city.  I'm always amazed at how quiet it is and I love pretending I'm up in the country going for a walk at my cottage because, quite often, all the sounds I hear are the birds chirping and the frogs calling.  Hard to believe, with the city skyline peaking above the tree tops.

I brought my camera with me this morning because I was hoping to catch a shot of a white heron that makes his home in one of the hidden ponds in this park.  He wasn't there today.  Often I will see him, preening his feathers one of three beautiful little ponds, surrounded by bull rushes, and quite literally, 20 feet away from a major city thoroughfare.

Other birds were there today, though, and the most amazing thing to me is this sits a few minutes outside of the downtown core. There is a wonderful boardwalk that lies between the bull rushes and as my feet hit the wooden boards I sometimes can't believe I'm just east of the city and a few hundred feet from the lakeshore.

I grabbed a shot of the ornamental grasses beginning to grow, at one of the entries to the park.  It's hard to believe that this is the same spot I grabbed an instagram this past fall(bottom picture).  Gotta love nature!

Have a great day!

ps.  This was quickly thrown together with the new picmonkey collage feature ... YEAH !!... it's finally here!!!


  1. Oh! Beautiful post! You're so lucky to have such a wonderful walk to go on...do you have to drive there? That's what would stop me, even though it shouldn't. Thank you so much for showing off your spot of nature!

    1. This is a stop on my way back from my daughter's school but is less than a 10 minute bike ride. I still have a lovely beach walk down my street but for some reason I have been enjoying this neck of the woods lately.

  2. Beautiful photos!!

    I always seem to be missing my camera when something great is going on. Last week I was walking on a trail and saw about 8 or 9 turtles laying their eggs and NO CAMERA! ha! You are so right...gotta love nature!

    1. Turtles laying eggs! - that is something to really miss with the camera!
