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Monday, May 28, 2012

What Bloggers Say

Helana came home today and told me I had to see this. If you have a blog - I think you will find this hilarious. Have a great day!


  1. That sums us up! So cute!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow... that is quite the summary!
    There is so much good out there ~ so many wonderful things...
    but I always ask myself ~ what would be the best thing to do right now?

    That puts a lot into perspective.
    It's so very easy to get absorbed ~ I know I'm guilty!
    Thanks for sharing this!
    Have a wonderful new week,

    uh oh! Word verification time!

  3. hahaahhaaa... thats it!!!! Bloggers-everyday-life!!! Happy to see that I'm not the only crazy one around!!! Thanx for sharing!!! Hug from Germany, Jutty&Poppy

  4. That is fantastic! I love that video!
