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Friday, July 8, 2011

Tracey! move on ...

You would think after stressing over tissue balls and paper lanterns, I would welcome a break.

You would be wrong.

I think this is so beautiful.  Just a wild collection of colors and shapes as a back drop for the wedding of blogger  Elsie Larson. You can see all the beautiful, amazing images here.

How about this created for another wedding.  I love all the different types of flowers in the swag.  I even see one like my white flower from one of the grads.  Hope I remember this idea in a couple of years!

Here is another grouping for a shower.  Love the pale blue.

I have seen this around before.  How cool to be on the cutting edge of glitter and fringe.  This is the go-to group for that.

Here is a collection of streamers and flowers.  Directions for the ruffled streamers can be found here.

And of course the banner.  Can we get enough of those.  This is a tutorial on how to create a tissue one.  Very ethereal.

I have to wait two years for the next graduation.  Maybe I could apply them to this room.

Would that be too much?  Is it time to move on ? ...