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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Color Inspiration

Color Inspiration

Right after I finished my nest wrapping last week my computer started to act strangely.  The next day I found out my hard drive had crashed and everything was lost. (of course... 2 months past my one year coverage)  I had been backing up my computer but because I had moved its location this fall things had changed and I didn't have a proper back up since mid-September.  All my blog photos gone and so much more.  Lucking first day of school was the last back up.  But I did lose halloween.  

Well what is a girl to do when she is totally bummed out.  Knit of course.  Back to thick, cabled sock knitting - it is so therapeutic.  When you begin with the heel you need a contrast yarn color and I chose hot pink.  Well I loved its combination with my thick green yarn and now I have decided on my holiday colors.  I know ... a little late to start but better late than never.  I remembered these little glittered birds from a local shop and now I have a direction. We'll see what I can come up with over the next few days.

Now ... back to teacher gift wrapping part two...


  1. oh no! i'm so sorry your computer crashed! You've just inspired me to look into online backup/storage...I've never backed up my computer eek!

    On a happy note tough your colors and yarn are super lovely and cheerful. And you've inspired me to try my hand at crafts...I bought some yarn and felt balls...I want to try your tutorial!

  2. These colours are fabulous!...I had to dig out some knitting on the weekend too...although I can't do anything fancy (like socks), I do squares haha. On another note, that is going to be the cutest sock on block!

  3. Ana - yes backup , backup - make it automatic and stick to it - it's always the pictures that you hate to lose. And yes come on over to the crafty side - felt balls and yarn and a glue gun - go Ana !

    Kinga - yes I played with the knitting pattern and made long socks and added a picot edging - but I think they could even be longer and the edging would look good in the hot pink ... next pair!

  4. Ouch.... computers.... we put so much trust that our photos and stuff are safe and sound. Sorry that you lost special pics. Appropriate post title! These colours are amazing! So much beauty, and your nest present toppers are so lovely. Enjoy your knitting therapy x

  5. Tracey...I would seriously buy a pair from you...hot pink edging all the way!!!!!!!

  6. If I manage to knit the other sock ... I'll let you know... I've already moved on to another project :) that's my problem ... I seem to get bored easily

  7. I haven't knit socks in ages. Last winter for sure. I usually have a bag of yarn and a new pattern under the tree as a present for myself (!), but I haven't thought to do that this year. Love the colors! Too often pink and green are so washed out...these are great!

  8. I feel sorry for all your lost files. :( Those blog photos and other files mean a lot to you, but what happened has happened. With this unfortunate event, I'm sure that you'll now pay importance to doing backups. It may take time and need effort, but the protection it can provide makes it all worth it.
