I recently received my highly anticipated issue of Holiday with Matthew Mead, in the mail. I had ordered a special expanded issue but I was delighted to see it is now on the shelves as well. It was all I could do not to grab it off the shelf and peruse through but I knew my special copy was due any day. I needed to exhibit some magazine restraint.
Each page is full of so many wonderful and inspiring images, it is hard to pick a favorite.
I actually really love the inside cover - beautifully simple - a Matthew trademark.
My crafting heart started pumping when I saw this spectacular cupcake display designed by Stephanie Neilson and photographed by Justin Hackworth.

I finally settled in on this. Yes, it is an adorable wreath and a really cute idea for crafting with kids during the holidays. But I love it because her daughter Claire's nails are wonderfully chipped and worn. It makes this photograph resonate with the obsessive mother in me. No, everything doesn't have to be perfect ... sometimes imperfection is the most endearing.
Looks like a fun publication! I love your thoughts on the chippy nails in the wreath photo! Everyday life! ~Heidi